Either George Osborne can't figure out the difference between pens and printers - or his handwriting is far, far tidier than ours.
With all the discussion of inheritence tax and Sunday trading, it's easy to miss the real story of this budget: George Osborne appears not to understand pens.
A photo posted this morning from the Chancellor's own twitter account shows Osborne putting the finishing touches by hand - to a clearly printed document.
Today I will present a Conservative Budget - a Budget that puts economic security first pic.twitter.com/yQ8kD8nmo9
— George Osborne (@George_Osborne) July 8, 2015
This mole is worried. Has Osborne not been briefed on twentieth century technology? Does he not realise how pens work? Or, more worringly, are the budget cuts so bad they're now making him personally inscribe the front cover of the budget, with the pinpoint accuracy of a laser printer?
Mysterious business all around. Any leads are much appreciated.